Monday, 26 November 2018

Stories to tell

I have to write so many stories,
But stories are not in my mind.
I have to paint so mane scenes,
But papers float away by wind.
What should I do, asked myself,
But all I got is a very long silence.
Kept away pen and pencil in the self,
But started admiring the dance of light.
Still I am running in search for the answer of life,
But got confused by number of tasks going around.
Shied away from adventure keeping me safe,
But longed for plants and bird sound.
Wanted to tell all my  stories to flowers,
But very lazy to reach out to beautiful garden.
I have to go for a walk after taking shower,
But to paint and make stories I ran for a caravan.😜😜

Written by Ninadini Panda

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